
The 3rd graders are working so hard on learning how to use different strategies to multiply and find equal groups. The students are encouraged to use many different tools to help them figure out the problem. It's amazing to see how many different ways they can multiply!

During WIN math time (What I Need) the students are able to choose an activity that best fits their needs. Some choose to play a math game on the chrome-book that relates to the skill, a center game with a partner to share strategies or use whiteboards to come up with their own problems. This is a great time for students to work together and help each other.

I am so proud of these kiddos already! They are learning how to problem solve with tools and share their thinking with others. Some of them are even brave enough to share their strategy with the whole class. Keep on persevering 3rd graders!

The 3rd graders have been learning about many different skills in math this week. One skill was learning how to problem solve with number talks. The number talk this week was ways to make 10. They have had an opportunity to use different tools to help them think and solve different ways to make 10. They even got to play a card game called "Turn over 10" to help them see all of the different relationships with 10. This also was a great way to see how they cooperate with one another.

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